January 23, 2010

2010 will bring many changes to this girl!

I sat here with my blog open thinking... should I just hit the delet button and forget about this whole thing, or should I step up to the plate and do it..... for me.... my girls ... my hubby ! what the hell..... what else do I have to do! Ha... you will soon find out!

After being let go from a job... that I really could not see myself doing forever

I became really just a person that was walking in the dark. I started to quickly fall into a place that I did not like. I had many moments that I was not sure where I would be the next week.... really...things were hard. I bounced back and forth about what to do with my life.... you know that "what do I want to be when I grow up?" Mike and I had many talks about what to do. Some people in my life thought that I should just stay home and enjoy my kids, however we all know that now it take a village to raise a family and to pay for it.

So here I am ...... BACK IN SCHOOL! yes college after how many years! I am enrolled in 3 classes this semester 12 credit hours. Next semester is will be 16..... ( lesson here is pay attention in college and really make sure your grades are better than average)

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