April 20, 2010

back and forth

Here I am just weeks away from the end of the semester. I should be doing some Homework and studing however I just have a lot on my mind..... I can't think.... well ok I can.... maybe thats the problem... I think to much and don't take the action. I need to start taking action. My life is spinging fast and in a downward direction. I'm really not even sure what to do.

I was drawn to a book this morning... Yes! I have started it before........ see the word started... never finished it....thats another problem I have. Any way I picked up the book... and read Day

1: Love is Patient. So if you love someone be patient!

and be Patient with me I WILL do this 40 day Challange!

January 23, 2010

2010 will bring many changes to this girl!

I sat here with my blog open thinking... should I just hit the delet button and forget about this whole thing, or should I step up to the plate and do it..... for me.... my girls ... my hubby ! what the hell..... what else do I have to do! Ha... you will soon find out!

After being let go from a job... that I really could not see myself doing forever

I became really just a person that was walking in the dark. I started to quickly fall into a place that I did not like. I had many moments that I was not sure where I would be the next week.... really...things were hard. I bounced back and forth about what to do with my life.... you know that "what do I want to be when I grow up?" Mike and I had many talks about what to do. Some people in my life thought that I should just stay home and enjoy my kids, however we all know that now it take a village to raise a family and to pay for it.

So here I am ...... BACK IN SCHOOL! yes college after how many years! I am enrolled in 3 classes this semester 12 credit hours. Next semester is will be 16..... ( lesson here is pay attention in college and really make sure your grades are better than average)

June 17, 2009

Ashlee Loves to Dance

Ashlee's First dance recital ... she absolutly loves to dance... she doesn't walk or run she dances to everything!

Yeah thats her Not looking at the crowd!!!!

Movies to pass the time!!!

Say Cheese Big Girl!!!

May 26, 2009

Preschool graduates

I can hardly belive it..... I am now the momma to a kindergradner and 4 year old preschooler.
Ashlee is litterly days away from truning 5 years old.......... 5 I can not belive it.

A few weeks ago we enjoyed watching her cross over the bridge into the world of Kindergarden. ( oh man Iwish life was that easy)
She did a great job! Her teacher this year always commented on her and how happy she always is! Yes I have the giggle monster...... I think she gigled throughthe whole thing!

Madison my big girl!!! My cheese head... now moving on up to the 4 years old preschool classroom..... but not untill she makes Mrs. J and Mrs P laugh one more time.

For a little girl who keeps telling e she is only going to preschool on day next year she sure loves her teachers.

January 24, 2009

Christmas 2008

Lokk at us we are cruzen! I have never seen Ashlee and Madison so excited!
Daddy and Ashlee hand in Hand walking back to the ship!

I'm the Queen of the world!!!!!!

Daddy and Madison at Atlantis, What a beautiful place. The inside was amazing!

Madison wanted nothing to do with the camara! mmmmmm think she has a little of Mike in her!

Me shopping in the markets! The weather was a little cold but hey at least there was no snow!

We took a tour of the city and one of the stops was at he beach..... Ashlee was a little unsure about getting her dress wet.

Uncle Brian and the girls playin in the waves!

Maddie decided it was ok to take her picture!

On they way home we stopped in the everglades to ride an air boat... pretty cool!

November 12, 2008

Our October and November

Wow!!!! I'm bad!

October was filled with great fun! and some sad times.

I was offered a New Job in Mid October. Very excied for something new, However very sad to leave Grainger and my friends that I had made.

Grandma got to take Ashlee on her field trip to Spicers. They each picked a pumpkin, got to pick apples, played in the Hay. I think the thing Ashlee liked the best was the bus ride there.

With the transition of a new job I was able to spend a little time in the girls preschool for their Halloween Parties and for Maddies field trip.

ewwwww Momma this feel gross!!!

What a fun time we all had! I love you girls!!!!

October 17, 2008

They just amaze me!

I'm not the greatest mom when it comes to photos of the girls. I take them here and there, but as for going some where to have them done... yeah not so much. But today we did..... LOVED IT! I'm not the greatest mom when it comes to photos of the girls. I take them here and there, but as for going some where to have them done... yeah not so much. But today we did..... LOVED IT!
These are just a few of the pictures...... I was pretty happy!

GO girl.. shake it!!!!!!

Maddies loved the Booa!!! She was so funnt when that came out!

Maddie can be so sweet and this picture shows her sweetness!
Gotta love the Sassey in my girls!

Sometimes I'm not sure if they are 3 and 4 or if they are 13 and 14!

Man we are in trouble!
They started to get a little sleepy and we thought that Dancing would wake them up a little!

Ashlee was all about possing for her Pictures..... mmmm,

she won't do it for me, but has no problem here!

It took maddie a while to lossen up, but she did!

For two little girls that I thought were a little cranky.. the photographer said they were great, and not nealy as cranky as she has had in there.